Scholastic Committee: Faculty and Staff Appreciation Breakfast
Phi Delta Chi Gamma Theta holds our semi-annual Faculty and Staff Appreciation Breakfast at the end of every semester. We have a different theme each time for which we decorate the classroom to make it more welcoming. Last semester’s theme was Indiana Jones where we had jungle decorations and boulders hanging from the ceiling. This semester we decided to go with the popular Disney movie Frozen. We hold this breakfast to show our appreciation for all the time, commitment, and hard work that the faculty and staff dedicate to our College of Pharmacy. These individuals not only give us academic advice, but also inspire us to become better leaders. Our school offers many leadership opportunities; this would not be possible without the support that our many student organizations receive from them. Every student organization has at least one advisor who overlooks all of its plans or activities. These advisors have been selected due to the many leadership qualities that they possess. The staff of our school also play a vital role in leadership development. They do important things such as organizing and planning career fairs, handling organizational funds, and making sure that all school equipment is available for use during many of our events. Both the faculty and staff are always willing to provide students with advice, be it pertaining to academics, applications for jobs/residencies, or even life in general. Our Faculty and Staff Appreciation Breakfast is just a small token of our appreciation for all of these acts of service. The faculty and staff help our Brothers work towards becoming one of the many things that it means to be Phi Delta Chi, and that is, Leaders in Pharmacy.