Mauna Kea Clean Up
The Big Island of Hawai’i is home to many natural wonders, from active volcanoes to tropical waterfalls. Amongst them is Mauna Kea, the tallest mountain in the world when measured from its base on the ocean floor. Not only is Mauna Kea a sacred site to Native Hawaiians, its elevation and clear atmosphere makes it is a world-class site for star-gazing and astronomical observation. In March, brothers from Phi Delta Chi participated in a Mauna Kea cleanup. Brothers uprooted invasive weeds in an effort to restore the mountain to its natural ecological state and removed non-biodegradable debris. The PhiDex Brothers were excited to spend the day outdoors, working above the clouds and beneath a beautiful, clear blue sky. The crisp mountain air was invigorating as Brothers filled rubbish bags with brambles and weeds. Despite the exhausting hours of hands-on work at a high altitude, it was worth seeing the dramatic impact on the landscape. The Mauna Kea clean-up bolstered our ties with the community and strengthened our connection to the land we call home.