Inter-Fraternal Committee: Kickball/Tug-o-War PDC vs KY

On Saturday morning of March 18th, the brothers of Phi Delta Chi and Kappa Psi came together for an inter-fraternal game day at the UH Hilo baseball field on lower campus. The kickball was played first and concluded with a substantial victory for the brothers of PDC. Then there were three rounds of Tug-O-War. The first round was PDC men Vs KY men and was won by PDC. The second round was PDC women Vs KY women in which PDC defeated KY. Then the final round was Co-Ed PDC Vs Co-Ed KY in which PDC team won giving the PDC bothers a complete victory over KY. At the end of the event all of the PDC brothers and KY brothers lined up and shook hands, then everyone took a group Photo together.

Alterum Alterius Auxilio Eget