Faculty Staff Appreciation Breakfast

On Friday, December 8th, Phi Delta Chi hosted the semesterly Faculty Staff Appreciation Breakfast, where both Brothers and Candidates were able to give their thanks to the people who make our education possible here, at the Daniel K. Inouye College of Pharmacy. The breakfast was themed “The Polar Express,” where wintery decorations accentuated the room while the movie played throughout the event for our faculty and staff’s enjoyment. The Brothers and Candidates put together a fantastic spread of food including a made-to-order waffle station with fresh berry toppings and other fruits, rice, fried rice, hashed browns, diced potatoes, bacon, Portuguese sausage, Spam, eggs, pastries, muffins, coffee, juice, and more. Over 30 faculty and staff were able to enjoy the event, and deliveries were made to those who were stationed off campus at their offices at the annex building. Our brothers and candidates were able to converse with our faculty and staff over a meal in a relaxed and informal setting. Overall, it was a fantastic way to end the semester, recharge before finals, and kick off the holiday season!